(buddhist) priesthood 意味

  • (Buddhist) priesthood


        buddhist priesthood:    仏門{ぶつもん}
        entering buddhist priesthood:    entering Buddhist priesthood 得度 とくど
        priesthood:     priesthood n. 聖職. 【動詞+】 enter the priesthood 聖職に入る leave the priesthood 還俗(げんぞく)する. 【前置詞+】 study for the priesthood 聖職につくために勉強する He was educated for the priesthood. 聖職の教
        old term for buddhist priesthood and the common people (since they used to wear black and white clothing respectively):    old term for Buddhist priesthood and the common people (since they used to wear black and white clothing respectively) 緇素 しそ
        admitted to the priesthood:    《be ~》聖職に就く
        aspire to the priesthood:    聖職{せいしょく}を目指す{めざす}
        enter the priesthood:    出家{しゅっけ}する、仏道{ぶつどう}に帰依{きえ}する、僧籍に入る、頭を丸める
        entering the priesthood:    entering the priesthood 入道 にゅうどう 出家 しゅっけ
        leave the priesthood:    還俗{げんぞく}する
        ordained in priesthood:    {1} : 《be ordained to [in] (the) priesthood》(牧師などに)叙任される、任命される -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 《be ordained to [in] (the) priesthood》《カトリック》(司祭
        ordained to priesthood:    {1} : 《be ordained to [in] (the) priesthood》(牧師などに)叙任される、任命される -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 《be ordained to [in] (the) priesthood》《カトリック》(司祭
        study for the priesthood:    {名} : 聖職{せいしょく}に就くための勉強{べんきょう} During his study for the priesthood, he became interested in music. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {動} : 聖職{せいしょく}に就く
        buddhist:     Buddhist n. 仏教信者. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a converted Buddhist 改宗した仏教徒 a fanatical Buddhist 熱狂的仏教徒 a fervent Buddhist 熱心な仏教徒 a practicing Buddhist 仏教の教えを実践している仏教徒. 【前置詞+】 be brou
        cast someone out of the priesthood:    (人)を聖職{せいしょく}から追放{ついほう}する
        the buddha, the doctrine, and the priesthood:    the Buddha, the doctrine, and the priesthood 仏法僧 ぶっぽうそう


  1. "(buddhist) memorial service held on the seventh day following a person's death" 意味
  2. "(buddhist) mendicant priest" 意味
  3. "(buddhist) perfect enlightenment" 意味
  4. "(buddhist) prayer and austerities" 意味
  5. "(buddhist) priest" 意味
  6. "(buddhist) priests" 意味
  7. "(buddhist) rosary" 意味
  8. "(buddhist) salvation" 意味
  9. "(buddhist) sermon" 意味
  10. "(buddhist) prayer and austerities" 意味
  11. "(buddhist) priest" 意味
  12. "(buddhist) priests" 意味
  13. "(buddhist) rosary" 意味

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