(cpu) interrupt 意味

  • (CPU) interrupt


        send an interrupt signal to the cpu:    CPU に割り込み信号を送る
        cpu:     CPU {略-1} : central processing unit 《コ》中央演算処理装置 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {略-2} : Customer Pick-Up 顧客引き取り
        interrupt:     interrupt v. 妨げる, さえぎる; 中断させる. 【副詞1】 Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a phone call. 彼女の考えごとは電話の呼びだし音で突然中断された If I may interrupt briefly, I would just like to say…. ちょっと言葉をさしはさ
        to interrupt:    to interrupt 遮る さえぎる 割り込む 割込む わりこむ
        cpu-cpu:    CPU-CPU CPU間[電情]
        cpu-to-cpu:    CPU-to-CPU CPU間[電情]
        cpu cpu contention:    
        cpu-cpu contention:    CPU 間回線争奪{かん かいせん そうだつ}
        compatible cpu:    互換{ごかん}CPU
        cost of cpu:    CPU の価格{かかく}
        cpu accelerator:    CPU アクセラレーター
        cpu address:    《コ》CPU 相当{そうとう}アドレス
        cpu affinity:    CPU 類縁性{るいえん せい}
        cpu bound:    CPU 制約{せいやく}の
        cpu cooler:    CPU クーラー


  1. "(cooking) a medium flame or fire" 意味
  2. "(corporate) bankruptcy" 意味
  3. "(corrosion resistant) cladding" 意味
  4. "(country) home" 意味
  5. "(cow's) milk" 意味
  6. "(crawl) on all fours" 意味
  7. "(credit) card holder" 意味
  8. "(crime of) adultery" 意味
  9. "(crime of) inflicting bodily injury" 意味
  10. "(country) home" 意味
  11. "(cow's) milk" 意味
  12. "(crawl) on all fours" 意味
  13. "(credit) card holder" 意味

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