(in sumo) a quick thrust of the hand 意味

  • (in sumo) a quick thrust of the hand


        (sumo) thrust at the opponent's throat:    (sumo) thrust at the opponent's throat 喉輪 のどわ
        quick hand:    仕事{しごと}の早い人
        thrust hand into pocket:    《thrust one's hand into the [one's] pocket》ポケットに手を突っこむ
        with a quick sweep of one's hand:    サッと手を振って
        sumo:    {名} : 相撲{すもう}◆日本語から -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】su':mou、【分節】su?mo
        a thrust:    a thrust 突き つき
        thrust:     1thrust n. 押し, (刀剣などによる)突き, 突撃; 攻撃; 批判; 進展; (エンジンなどの)推進力, 推力. 【動詞+】 dodge a thrust 突きをさっとかわす generate a thrust of thousands of pounds 何千ポンドもの推力を発生する The extra propellers give the
        thrust in:    {名} :
        thrust into:    入り込む、侵入{しんにゅう}する
        thrust-in:    {名} : 《囲碁》割り込み、ワリコミ
        to thrust:    to thrust 突き刺す つきさす 刺す さす 突く つく つつく
        to thrust at:    to thrust at 突き付ける 突きつける つきつける
        to thrust in:    to thrust in 差し込む さしこむ
        with a thrust:    一突きに
        (in sumo) slipping one's hand beneath the opponent's arm and latching on to the underside of his belt:    (in sumo) slipping one's hand beneath the opponent's arm and latching on to the underside of his belt 差し手 さして


  1. "(in preliberation china) a store operated by a foreigner" 意味
  2. "(in printing) distribution of type" 意味
  3. "(in shogi, chess etc.) a move" 意味
  4. "(in spite of) being old enough to know better" 意味
  5. "(in sumo and judo) posture in which the legs are firmly planted" 意味
  6. "(in sumo) being declared the winner of a bout" 意味
  7. "(in sumo) beltwork" 意味
  8. "(in sumo) downing an opponent by grabbing his leg" 意味
  9. "(in sumo) slipping one's hand beneath the opponent's arm and latching on to the underside of his belt" 意味
  10. "(in spite of) being old enough to know better" 意味
  11. "(in sumo and judo) posture in which the legs are firmly planted" 意味
  12. "(in sumo) being declared the winner of a bout" 意味
  13. "(in sumo) beltwork" 意味

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