(pleasantly smooth) defecation 意味

  • (pleasantly smooth) defecation


        defecation:    defecation 排便 はいべん 用便 ようべん
        pleasantly:    {副} : 愉快{ゆかい}に、楽しく、愛想{あいそう}よく、心地よく、心うきうきと She smiled pleasantly during the introductions. 紹介の最中、彼女は愛想よく笑っていた。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【レベル】8、
        controlled defecation:    排便制御{はいべん せいぎょ}
        defecation desire:    便意{べんい}
        defecation reflex:    排便反射{はいべん はんしゃ}
        defecation zone:    排便区域{はいべん くいき}
        desire of defecation:    便意{べんい}
        during defecation:    排便中{はいべん ちゅう}に
        involuntary defecation:    大便失禁{だいべん しっきん}
        (pleasantly) intoxicated:    (pleasantly) intoxicated 酔い心地 よいごこち
        chat pleasantly:    楽しそうにおしゃべりをする
        contrast pleasantly with:    ~との対照{たいしょう}が面白{おもしろ}い Use colors that contrast pleasantly with the background. 背景との対照が面白{おもしろ}い色を使いなさい
        nod pleasantly at:    (人)に愛想{あいそう}よく会釈{えしゃく}をする
        over pleasantly:    {副} :
        over-pleasantly:    {副} : 不必要{ふひつよう}に愛想{あいそう}よく[明るく]


  1. "(plant) bulb" 意味
  2. "(plant) nursery" 意味
  3. "(playground) slide" 意味
  4. "(playing) a game of go, shogi or chess, etc." 意味
  5. "(playing) cards of one hundred famous poems" 意味
  6. "(pleasantly) intoxicated" 意味
  7. "(please) look" 意味
  8. "(please) try to do" 意味
  9. "(plump and) happy-looking" 意味
  10. "(playing) a game of go, shogi or chess, etc." 意味
  11. "(playing) cards of one hundred famous poems" 意味
  12. "(pleasantly) intoxicated" 意味
  13. "(please) look" 意味

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