(with te-form verb) please do for me 意味

  • (with te-form verb) please do for me


        please do for me (preceded by -te):    please do for me (preceded by -te) 頂戴 ちょうだい
        verb suffix (te form or masu stem) to indicate hatred and contempt, or disdain for another's action (vul):    verb suffix (te form or masu stem) to indicate hatred and contempt, or disdain for another's action (vul) やがる
        please remember me:    please remember me 宜しく よろしく
        form verb:    形式動詞{けいしきどうし}
        verb form:    動詞{どうし}の形態{けいたい}
        please don't fuss over me:    please don't fuss over me お構いなく 御構いなく おかまいなく
        (please) try to do:    (please) try to do 御覧なさい ご覧なさい ごらんなさい
        please allow me to extend my deepest condolences on:    (訃報{ふほう})に接し心からのお悔やみを申し上げます
        listed in its verb form:    《be ~》(言葉{ことば}が)動詞{どうし}として(辞書{じしょ}に)載る[出る]
        te:     TE {略-1} : tamper-proof ; tamper-evident ; tamper-indicative ; tamper-resistant (食品の)中身をいじくった跡がすぐ分かるようになっている、不正開封[不正加工{ふせい かこう}?改ざん?改変{かいへん}?いたずら]を防ぐ[防止{ぼうし}する]ための(機能{きのう}の付いた)、勝手にいじれない、不正操
        do me a favor:     Dó me [us] a fávor! ((俗)) (1) [質問に対して] よくそんなことが言えるね《◆No!の強意表現》. (2) [いらだちを表して;命令文が続く] 頼むから(…してくれないか)(?2 ).
        do me favor!:    {1} : お願いです! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 〈俗〉ばか言え!、だまされないぞ!、あなたの言うことは信じられない
        do me good:    タバコ、モク
        do you hear me:     Do you héar (me)? 私の言うことを聞いて(わかって)いますか;よく聞くんだよ《◆注意を促す表現;?|他|1 》.
        do you want me to:    ~してほしいですか?、~しましょうか? Do you want me to come? 私がそちらへ行きましょうか? Do you want me to help? Do you want me to kiss you? Do you want me to be honest? Do you want me to come along?


  1. "(with neg. verb) nothing special" 意味
  2. "(with negative predicate) not even once, never" 意味
  3. "(with reference to clothing) a shoulder tuck" 意味
  4. "(with reference to the elderly) recreation" 意味
  5. "(with respect to an earthquake) vertical shake" 意味
  6. "(with) both hands" 意味
  7. "(with) tender feelings" 意味
  8. "(with) the black felt hat slanted over one ear" 意味
  9. "(within a) city" 意味
  10. "(with reference to the elderly) recreation" 意味
  11. "(with respect to an earthquake) vertical shake" 意味
  12. "(with) both hands" 意味
  13. "(with) tender feelings" 意味

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