過程で生じる: occur in the course of〔~の〕
実施過程で生じる義務: obligations arising in the process of implementation
胎外受精の過程で生じる: occur in in vitro fertilization
製造過程で生じる副産物: coproduct in the making of〔~の〕
公的な場で生じる: take place in a public sphere
私的な場で生じる: take place in a private sphere
間で生じる: occur among〔~の〕
高温での三重アルファ過程で生成される: be produced only by the triple-alpha process at a high temperature
発生過程での発現: developmental expression
分解で生じる: be produced by the decomposition of〔~の〕
単一で生じる: occur alone
単発で生じる: occur singly
原因で生じる: come about because of〔~が〕
地下で生じる: 【形】 hypogeal / hypogaeal / hypogenous
摩擦で生じる: 【形】 fricative