抜け目のない: 抜け目のない adj. shrewd 【S】 (行動や判断に)そつがない, 如才ない∥ a shrewd lawyer 抜け目のない弁護士. **sharp [けなして] ずる賢い∥ a sharp politician 抜け目のない政治家/ It is sharp of her to accept the offer. =She is sharp to accept the of
抜け目のないやつ: 1. downy bird 2. file〈英俗〉 3. knowing card 4. sharpie 5. shrewd cookie 6. shrewdhead
抜け目のない交渉: horse trade [trading]
抜け目のない人: 1. knowing blade 2. man who doesn't miss a trick 3. nobody's fool 4. sharp person 5. shrewdie〈豪話〉
抜け目のない企業: smart company
抜け目のない取引: 1. horse trade [trading] 2. horse-trading 3. sharp practice 4. shrewd bargain
抜け目のない商人: ever-watchful merchant
抜け目のない商法: shrewd business methods
抜け目のない経営: shrewd management
抜け目のない計算: shrewd calculation
抜け目のない返答: shrewd answer
抜け目のなさ: 1. alertness 2. cunning
利得に抜け目のない人: moneygrubber
彼は抜け目のない男だ: He had a calculating mind.
抜け目のない交渉人: 1. shrewd bargainer 2. shrewd negotiator