- sign a year-long lease〔アパートなどの〕
婚前契約を交わす: sign a prenup
~とoem契約を交わす: sign an OEM deal with
約を交わす: 約を交わす やくをかわす to exchange promises
土地売却の契約を交わす: sign a contract for the sale of land
葬儀社と契約を交わす: sign an agreement with the funeral director
密約を交わす: play footsie (with)〔~と〕
契約書を交わす: have [exchange] a written contract
もう1年契約を結ぶ: contract for one more season
冗談を交わす 1: exchange jokes 冗談を交わす 2 1. exchange jokes with 2. share a joke with 3. trade jokes with〔人と〕
激論を交わす 1: have a heated debate 激論を交わす 2 1. cross swords with 2. have a violent discussion with〔~と〕 激論を交わす 3 1. debate ~ heatedly 2. hold a heated discussion on〔~について〕
視線を交わす 1: trade a look 視線を交わす 2 exchange glances (with)〔人と〕
言葉を交わす 1: 1. enter into (a) conversation 2. exchange a few words 3. have a word with 言葉を交わす 2 【自動】 chaffer 言葉を交わす 3 exchange words (with)〔~との間で〕 言葉を交わす 4 dial in on〔人と〕
契約を交わしている: 1. have a pact with 2. have an agreement with〔~と〕
体を交わす: 体を交わす たいをかわす to parry to dodge
心を交わす: 【自動】 commune