- have many attacks in a single day
胸の発作が起こる: feel spasm in one's chest
不安発作が起こる: have an anxiety attack
目の発作が起きる: experience a spasm in one's eye
気管支炎の激しい発作が起こる: have a severe attack of bronchiolitis
後ある程度経ってから発作が起こる疾患: disorder in which seizures occur some time after〔~の〕
後ある程度経ってから発作が起こる病気: disorder in which seizures occur some time after〔~の〕
一生に1回しか発作が起こらない: have no more than one attack in a lifetime
似た症状を持つ膵炎の痛みの発作が間欠的に起こる: have intermittent episodes of pancreatitis with symptoms similar to〔~に〕
それ以上の発作が起きないようにする: prevent further seizures
非常に多くの 1: 1. a huge range of 2. enormous numbers of 3. million and one 4. more often than ~ has had hot dinners 5. more something than ~ has had hot dinners 6. predominant number of 非常に多くの 2 【形】 1. frantic
中年男性に多く起こる: occur mostly in middle-aged men
高齢者に多く起こる: be more common in older people〔病気が〕
ここ1年で多くのことが起こった。: Many things have happened in the past year.
ぜんそくの発作を起こす: suffer an asthma attack
虫が起こる: 1. get [become] fretful 2. get peevish