- cool at the rate of __ degrees per hour
1時間に_度のペースで温度が下がる: cool at the rate of __ degrees per hour
1時間に_度の割合で下がる: cool at the rate of __ degrees per hour
1時間に_から_度の割合で冷え込む: cool between __ and __ degrees per hour
温度が下がる 1: fall in temperature 温度が下がる 2 【動】 drop in temperature
1時間に_度のペースで下がる: cool at the rate of __ degrees per hour
1週間に_%の割合で漸減する: be tapered by __% per week《薬学》〔用量を〕
1年に_度の割合で黄道の周りを退行する: regress around the ecliptic at an annual rate of approximately __ degrees
100人中_人の割合で: __ out of every 100
熱が下がる 1: 1. be back to normal 2. fever breaks 3. temperature has gone down 熱が下がる 2 【自動】 defervesce 熱が下がる 3 fever goes down〔病人の〕
1対4の割合で: in the proportion of one part to four
一定の割合で 1: at a constant rate 一定の割合で 2 at a fixed rate of〔~の〕
合併比率はa社が1に対しb社_の割合で: with the merger ratio set at one A for __ shares of B
ほぼ~の割合で: in the approximate proportion of
年間~の割合で: at an annual rate of
年間_%の割合で増える: grow at a rate of __% a year