- wear the same clothes for a week
同じ服を着る: wear matching clothes
昨日と同じ服を着ている: wear the same clothes as yesterday
_週間ずっと: stretch of __ weeks
1週間ずっと忙しかった。: I have been tied up all week.
衣服を着る 1: don one's vestments 衣服を着る 2 【自動】 dress
間ずっと〔~の〕 1: 【接続】 while 間ずっと〔~の〕 2 【前】 during
その双子は同じ服を着せられていた: The twins were clothed in the same dresses.
偶然にも友人と私は同じ服を着ていた: By coincidence my friend and I wore the same dress.
制服を着る: put on a uniform
式服を着る: dressed formally
服を着る: 服を着(てい)る v. **dress |自| 【D】 【S】 [SV(M)] 服を着る, 服を着ている《◆ M は様態?目的の副詞(句)》∥ dress hastily 急いで服を着る/ dress [×be dressing] in silk絹の服を着ている(=be dressed in silk). ━|他| 【D】 [be ~ed]〔服?色?素材で/…にふさわしく〕着こな
軍服を着る: 1. be dressed in an army uniform 2. wear military garb
ずっと同じ拍子で: right on the meter all the way through
1週間ずっと働きづめだったので、息抜きが必要だ: I need to cut loose after working so hard all week.
1週間ずっと雨ね。家の中にいるの、飽き飽きでしょ?: It's been raining all week. Aren't you tired of staying inside?