- It's inevitable that anything will look dated in 10 to 15 years.
時代遅れに見える: 1. look dated 2. seem archaic
人がミスをするのは仕方がないと考える: think that human errors are unavoidable
人が間違いをするのは仕方がないと考える: think that human errors are unavoidable
家から離れていれば(主語が)起こるのは仕方がない: be bound to happen when someone is away from home〔人が〕
今でもそれほど時代遅れには見えない: not look that bad now
時代遅れに: 【副】 unfashionably
済んでしまったことは仕方がない。: What is done is done.
~するのはわけないことだ: It doesn't take much to
誠実は、高価な宝石。でも時代遅れ。: Honesty is a fine jewel; but much out of fashion.
仕方がない: 仕方がない しかたがない it can't be helped it's inevitable it's no use can't stand it being impatient being annoyed
仕方がない。: I have very little choice. 仕方がない 1 1. all well and good 2. give ~ no choice 3. have no alternative 4. no choice 5. well and good 仕方がない 2 1. be wild about [for] 2. want very badly to 3. want very
知りたくて仕方がないこと: something someone would very much like to know〔人が〕
今では仕方のないこと: name of the game today
時代遅れにする: 【他動】 1. date 2. fossilize 3. outdate 4. superannuate
時代遅れになって: 【副】 mustily