打ち合わせに15分遅れます。: I'll be 15 minutes late for our meeting. _分遅れてから: after a __ minutes delay _分遅れて来る: be __ minutes late _分遅れて行く: be __ minutes late _分遅れで現れる: turn up __ minutes late 数分遅れて到着する: arrive a few minutes late 遅れた: 【形】 1. icky 2. late 3. later 遅れに遅れた: 【形】 1. long-delayed 2. much-delayed 約_分遅れて会議を始める: start the meeting about __ minutes late _分遅れて仕事場に到着した労働者: worker arrived __ minutes late at his place of work _分遅れて仕事場に到着した社員: worker arrived __ minutes late at his place of work _分遅れて職場に到着した労働者: worker arrived __ minutes late at his place of work _分遅れて職場に到着した社員: worker arrived __ minutes late at his place of work 遅れた出発: slow start 遅れた原因: cause of the delay