it is also called kenpo jushichijo or jushichijo no kenpo (both means the 17-article constitution ). 憲法十七条、十七条の憲法とも言う。
the first appearance of the 17-article constitution was in the " nihonshoki " completed in 720 which quoted its full text , and the original book or manuscript preceding it doesn ' t exist . 十七条憲法は720年に成立した『日本書紀』に全文が引用されているものが初出であり、これを遡る原本も、写本も現存しない。
hiromichi mori commented in " nihon shoki no nazo o toku " (solving the enigma of the chronicles of japan ) published in 1999 as follows: ' considering the grammatical deviations affected by japanese (washu ) in the kanbun (chinese classics ) used in the 17-article constitution , it is unlikely that the constitution was established in the seventh century , and it was created at the time when the " nihonshoki " was compiled .' 森博達は1999年の『日本書紀の謎を解く』において、「十七条憲法の漢文の日本的特徴(和習)から7世紀とは考えられず、『日本書紀』編纂とともに創作されたもの」とした。