- jam more than __ students in a class
詰め込む 1: 1. choke up 2. cram into space 3. squash up 4. squeeze up 5. stuff up 6. wedge in 詰め込む 2 【自動】 wonk〈米俗〉 詰め込む 3 【他動】 1. cram 2. crush 3. impact 4. jam 5. pack 6. ram 7. sardine 8. stow 9. swot 1
車に_人詰め込む: cram __ people into a car
無理に詰め込む 1: 【他動】 1. cram 2. grind 無理に詰め込む 2 force [cram, push, shove, stuff, thrust, ram] ~ down someone's throat〔~を〕〔人に〕
クラスに溶け込む: 1. fit [blend] in with your classmates 2. fit in with one's classmates
…に詰め込む: 1. drill ~ into 2. stuff ~ into 3. wedge ~ into〔~を〕
詰め込む: 詰め込む つめこむ to cram to stuff to jam to squeeze to pack to crowd
詰め込む〔~に〕: 【他動】 stuff
従来技術に比べ_倍の~を1チップに詰め込む: squeeze __ times as many ~ onto each chip than is possible today
腹いっぱい詰め込む 1: 1. cram oneself with food 2. stuff oneself with food 腹いっぱい詰め込む 2 gorge oneself (on [with])〔~を〕
中へ詰め込む: stuff in [into]〔~の〕
口に詰め込む: stuff ~ into one's mouth〔~を〕
口に~を詰め込む: cram [stuff] one's mouth with
箱に詰め込む: 【他動】 box
腹に詰め込む: tuck in [into]〔~を〕
袋に~を詰め込む: stuff ~ into a bag