1週間の休暇を取る: 1. go on leave for a week 2. take a week's holiday
1週間の病気休暇を取る: get a week's sick leave
休暇を取る 1: 1. get leave 2. get time off 3. go on a vacation 4. have a holiday 5. have a vacation 6. have off 7. take a holiday 8. take a leave of absence 9. take a vacation 10. take days off 11. take off 休暇を取る
1週間休暇: week off
1週間休みを取る: take a week off
1日休暇を取る: 1. take a day off 2. take a day's vacation
有給休暇を取る 1: take a vacation with pay 有給休暇を取る 2 take [chuck] a sickie〈豪俗〉〔病気でもないのに〕
2週間の休暇を取る: have a fortnight's vacation
_週間の休暇を取る: 1. take __ weeks off 2. take a __-week vacation 3. take a vacation of __ weeks
2~3週間休暇を取り、日光浴でもしなさい。: Take a couple of weeks off, get some sun.
明日から2週間休暇を取ります。: I'll have a two-week vacation starting tomorrow.
1カ月の休暇を取る: take a month's vacation
丸々1カ月の休暇を取る: take a whole month off
2~3日休暇を取る: take a couple of days off
あら、休暇を取るの?: Oh, are you taking a vacation?