1カ月前に解雇通知をする: give someone one month's notice〔人に〕 解雇の通知を受ける: get the order to clean out one's desk 解雇の事前通知を受ける: get an advance notice of dismissal 解雇の心配をする: worry about dismissal 数週間前に: several weeks ago ボスは彼に解雇通知を出した: The boss gave him marching orders. 月経の1週間前に起こる: occur a week before the menstrual period 生理の1週間前に生じる: occur a week before the menstrual period 生理の1週間前に起こる: occur a week before the menstrual period 約1週間前: about a week ago x社のリストラの一環として(人)に解雇通知を渡す: give someone the pink slip as part of X's restructuring 解雇通知をもらう: 1. be given a [one's] pink slip 2. get one's walking papers [orders] 解雇通知を手渡す: hand out a dismissal notice 1週間前に買った料理の本を使って、彼は一度料理をすることを決心した: He decided to try his hand at cooking, beginning with a cookbook he purchased the week before. の通知を受ける: receive notice from〔人から〕