the square root of the length is proportional to its period . ああ 長さの2乗根に周期は比例するんだ
the square root of the length is proportional to its period . (laughter ) ああ 長さの2乗根に周期は比例するんだ (笑)
what is more , he wrote " ritsugen hakki " featuring the equal temperament of 12 degrees which was resulted from the expansion of 1 octave into 12th root . また、1オクターブを12乗根に開いた十二平均律を『律原発揮』として著している。
he presented a way to arrive at an equal temperament of twelve degrees by opening one octave into the twelfth root in his " ritsugen hakki " (1692 ). 「律原発揮」(1692年)において1オクターヴを12乗根に開き十二平均律を作る方法を発表した。