2作目の小説を執筆する: write one's second novel 小説を書く: 小説を書く しょうせつをかく to write a novel 小説を書く 1: 1. produce a novel 2. write a fiction story 3. write a novel 小説を書く 2 【自動】 fictionize 偽名で小説を書く: write a novel under an assumed name 短い小説を書く: write a little fiction 作家にとって本当の試金石となるのは2作目の小説である。: The real test for a writer is the second novel. いろいろな小説を書く: create a wide variety of fiction 三人称形式で小説を書く: write a novel in third person 余暇に短編小説を書く: write short stories in one's spare time 多種多様な小説を書く: create a wide variety of fiction 暇な時に短編小説を書く: write short stories in one's spare time この小説を書き終えた時、売れると思った: When I finished writing this novel, I thought I was onto [on to] a winner. できる限り優れた小説を書く: make one's novel as good as it can be メモを元にして小説を書く: work on a novel from notes 空いた時間に短編小説を書く: write short stories in one's spare time