the shipment's not due in the port for another two hours . 荷の入港は2時間後です
two and half hours to get to work in the morning ; 朝、仕事場に着くまでに2時間半かかる
guy , i've been doing that for the last 2 hours . alright . 2時間も呼び掛けてる
so , she can be hold in custody for 72 hours ... で 拘留は 72時間以上という事で...。
it'30 in the morning . there's not a car around here . 夜中の2時半だ 車も来てない
state said a kid got to be bussed two hours away to school . でもバスで2時間だ
12 o'clock , 800 yards . i see it ! it's a goddamn tiger ! 12時方向 800m
then dropped the dew and the clock struck two . そして露のしずくが生まれ 時計は2時を告げた
did a short eva and then drove for another 2 . EVA まで短距離と そしてまた2時間の走行
a twosome from 2 o'clock ? that's pretty selfish . 2人で2時からとは ワガママな客だ。
時: 時 とき time hour occasion moment ~時: 【副】 o'clock〔 【語源】 of the clock の短縮形〕 時 1 1. moment 2. point in time 3. time 時 2 【連結】 chrono- 時 3 occasion〔ある事がおきる〕 00時: top of the hour 10時: ten 11時: eleven 12時: twelve 13時: thirteen 14時: fourteen 15時: fifteen 16時: sixteen 17時: seventeen 18時: eighteen 19時: nineteen 1時: one 20時: twenty