- be popular in a second-place finish
大衆の人気を集める人: crowd pleaser
思わぬ人気を集める: gain unexpected popularity
若い世代の人気を集める: gain popularity with the younger generation
もっとも人気を集めた株: most active issue
人気を集め始めている: be beginning to catch on
年々人気を集めている行事: event getting more popular year after year
兵を集める: raise a force of soldiers
客を集める: solicit clients
本を集める: accumulate some books about〔~についての〕
株を集める: accumulate shares
泥を集める: scrape together pieces of mud
票を集める: garner [get, have, obtain, poll, receive, score, win] votes
羊を集める: 1. gather the sheep 2. round up sheep
薪を集める: 1. gather fuel 2. gather wood for fuel
諺を集める: make a collection of proverbs