i'll meet you inside of two weeks , i promise . 2週間以内に会いに行くよ 約束だ
carry three people up to 100 kilometers 2週間以内にそれを 繰り返すことのできた
i can have the cash here in two weeks . 2週間以内に現金を揃える
i'll meet you in two weeks or less . 2週間以内に合流する
uh , arrive within the fortnight or be branded an enemy of the crown . あ〜、2週間以内に 到着しないと 国王への反逆と 見なされます
and within a week or two , no doubt , the mysterious mr ziebold went to the bank and drew his money . 1、2週間以内に 謎のジーボルトは 金をおろしただろう
even with the delays , i assure you we will be ready to attack the espheni defense grid in less than two weeks . 遅くとも2週間以内に― エシュフェニの防衛線を 攻撃できる
1週間以内に: inside of a week 数週間以内に: within weeks _週間以内に: in less than __ weeks 1日~1週間以内に: within a day to a week 生後1週間以内に: in the first week of life 術後_週間以内に: within __ weeks postoperatively 使用から_週間以内に: within __ weeks of using〔~の〕 治療開始から1週間以内に: within the first week of treatment 治療開始後_週間以内に: during the first __ weeks of therapy 症状発現から1週間以内に: within a week of when symptoms start _週間以内に控えて: with ~ less than __ weeks away〔~を〕 発症から2~3時間以内に: in the first few hours〔病気の〕 1時間以内に: inside of an hour 今後_週間以内に解決される: be resolved within the next __ weeks 最初の支払いから_週間以内に: within __ weeks of the first payment being made