she died in her twenties in 1603 . 1603年に20代後半で死去。
women who obtain the jobs do not serve as professional miko for a long time , because most of them retire in their late twenties , having started to work upon the end of compulsory schooling (or more practically , after graduating from high school ). 女性が本職巫女として奉仕できる年数は短く、義務教育修了後(現実的には高等学校卒業)から勤務し、20代後半で定年を迎える例が多い。
30代後半で: in one's late 30s [thirties]〔年齢が〕 40代後半で: in one's late 40s [forties]〔年齢が〕 50代後半で: in one's late 50s [fifties]〔年齢が〕 60代後半で: in one's late 60s [sixties]〔年齢が〕 70代後半で: in one's late 70s [seventies]〔年齢が〕 80代後半で: in one's late 80s [eighties]〔年齢が〕 90代後半で: in one's late 90s [nineties]〔年齢が〕 20代後半に: in one's late 20s [twenties]〔年齢が〕 20(歳)代後半: late 20s [twenties] 40代後半で出産する: have a baby in one's late 40s 40代後半で子どもを産む: have a baby in one's late 40s _代半ばから_代後半で: in one's mid- to late __s 後半では: in the second half《サッカー》 女性が30代後半や40代前半で直面する不妊の問題: infertility that women face in their late 30's or in their early 40's 女性が30代後半や40代前半で直面する不妊症: infertility that women face in their late 30's or in their early 40's