lay the foundation for a newborn Japan in the 21st century
21世紀の日本: Japan in the 21st century 21世紀の司法制度の基礎を築く: build the foundation for the judicial system of the 21st century 21世紀の日本社会: Japanese society in the 21st century 事業の礎を築く: laid down a foundation stone of a project 21世紀の日本をリードしていく: lead a 21st century Japan 21世紀の日本を引っ張っていく: lead a 21st century Japan 21世紀の日本の行方を握ると考えられる: be regarded as being a turning point for Japan in the 21st century 今後の経済成長の礎を築く: build a foundation for future economic growth 礎を築く: 礎を築く いしずえをきずく to lay the foundation (for) 日本が~する基礎を築く: form a foundation for Japan to 21世紀の2年目: the second year of the 21st century 21世紀の到来: advent of the 21st century 21世紀の展望: vision for the 21st century _世紀の日本の暮らし: __th-century life in Japan 日本新生内閣: administration for Japan's new birth