- around-the-clock [round-the-clock] stint
24時間: for 24 hours
任務時間: 任務時間 mission time[化学]
24時間365日: 24 hours a day, everyday
24時間で: in a 24-hour period
24時間の: 【形】 24-hour
24時間中: on a 24-hour basis
24時間内に: within a span of twenty-four hours
24時間処置: around-the-clock [round-the-clock] treatment
24時間労働: around-the-clock [round-the-clock] labor
24時間尿: twenty-four-hours urine
24時間放送: around-the-clock [round-the-clock] broadcasting
24時間治療: around-the-clock [round-the-clock] treatment
24時間看護: around-the-clock [round-the-clock] care
24時間社会: 24-hour society
24時間稼働: operations around the clock