twobyfour construction is sort of like the little 2x4での建築は 子供の頃遊んだ
that we're all used to twobyfour construction 木造と言えば 自然と2x4の工法と
at that size , and out of twobyfours . 2x4でも同様です
the perimortem microfractures on the calcaneus bones indicate repeat blunt force trauma , probably from a flat object like a 2x4 . 踵骨に死亡直前の 微小骨折があります おそらく長方形の 平らな物による鈍力外傷です すばらしいけど
conventional hojo architecture often consists of a total of 6 rooms arranged in a 2x3 arrangement but that of daitoku-ji temple is different in that consists of a 2x4 arrangement of 8 rooms with two rooms of the second row on the right serving as the tassho (burial place ) of founder daito-kokushi (shuho myocho ), unmonan . 通常の方丈建築は、前後2列、左右3列の計6室を並べる平面形式が多いが、大徳寺方丈は前後2列、左右4列の計8室をもつ特異な形式で、向かって右から2列目の2室は、開祖大燈国師(宗峰妙超)の塔所(墓所)である雲門庵となっている。