- work on a two-shift system
交代制で働く: work in relay
二交代制で働く: work two shifts
_時間交代制で働く: work an __-hour shift
3交代制で: three shifts around the clock
交代制で: on a rotating basis _交代制で on __ shifts
_交代制で: on __ shifts 交代制で on a rotating basis
1日3交代制で: on a three-shift basis
グループ交代制で: in relay groups
交代で働く: 1. work by relay 2. work in relay
交替制で働く: 交替制で働く v. work in shift. (見出しへ戻る headword ? ―制)
歩合制で働く: work (on) a commission
配当制で働く: work on the tribute system
二交代制で操業する: operate on two shifts
24時間体制で働く: operate on 24-hour schedules
交代制: 交代制 こうたいせい shift system