- be scheduled to graduate from college in March
大学を卒業する: 1. complete college 2. finish one's undergraduate degree 3. graduate from a university 4. graduate from college 5. graduate leave college 6. make it through college
一流大学を卒業する: graduate from a top university
優等で大学を卒業する: graduate from college with honors
奨学金で大学を卒業する: get through the university on a scholarship
自力で大学を卒業する: put oneself through college〔働いて〕
苦学して大学を卒業する: 1. pay one's college 2. work one's way through college
高成績で大学を卒業する: graduate from university with high marks
私は3月に高校を卒業する: I will finish high school in March.
中学を卒業する: 1. complete the junior high school course 2. finish junior high school 3. leave junior high school
_月に卒業予定で~に専念する予定だ: be graduating in __ and will be concentrating in
~大学…学部を卒業する: graduate from ~ University in the faculty of
アルバイトをしながら大学を卒業する: work one's way through college
働きながら大学を卒業する: 1. work one's way through a university 2. work one's way through college
大学を卒業するときに描き得る未来像: vision that someone might have coming out of his college〔人が〕
学費を稼ぎながら大学を卒業する: work one's way through college