2カ月間入院した。: I was in the hospital for two months. 入院した。: I went into the hospital. 《前文(個人)》長い間返事をしなくて、すみませんでした。3週間近く入院していたんです。: Sorry [Please forgive me] for not writing in a long time. I had been in the hospital for nearly 3 weeks.〔返信の遅れ◆理由〕 盲腸で入院した: He was hospitalized with appendicitis. (人)が_週間入院する: keep someone in the hospital for __ weeks〔病気や傷などで〕 _週間入院させておく: keep someone in the hospital for __ weeks〔人を〕 ストレスに負けてとうとう2~3日入院した: I buckled to the stress and ended up hospitalized in a few days. 彼は重傷だったので、3週間も入院しなければならなかった: His injuries were severe enough to keep him in the hospital for three weeks. 入院したという知らせ: news of someone's hospitalization〔人が〕 入院した方がいいですね。: Maybe we should hospitalize you.《旅/病気/医者》 切り傷や火傷で入院した: They were hospitalized with cuts and burns. それがね、たった今入院したの[入院しているの]。: Well, she was admitted to the hospital. / She's in the hospital. 入院して 1: 1. in (the) hospital 2. in dry 入院して 2 in dock〈英話〉〔人が〕 その患者は病気がぶり返し、再入院した: The patient suffered a relapse and went back in the hospital. アリスはとうとう入院しました: Alice has been hospitalized eventually.