- That's three floors, hoofing it all the way.
階段を上る: 階段を上る かいだんをのぼる to go up the stairs
階段を上る 1: 1. ascend the stairs 2. ascend the stairway 3. climb a stairway 4. climb up 5. go up stairs 6. mount a stairway 7. mount the stairs 8. walk up stairs [steps] 9. walk upstairs 階段を上る 2 【形】 stair-cl
彼は6階まで階段を歩いて上る: He walks up the stairs to the sixth floor.
ついて階段を上る: follow someone up the stairs〔人に〕
出世階段を上る: 1. climb the (corporate) ladder (of success) 2. rise up the corporate ladder
急な階段を上る: go up steep stairs
成功の階段を上る: 1. climb the success ladder 2. scale the ladder of success
政界の階段を上る: 1. ascend the political career ladder 2. move higher up the political ladder
権力の階段を上る: climb the ladder of power
続く階段を上る: make it up stairs to〔~へ〕
追って階段を上る: come up the stairs behind〔人を〕
階段を上ること: stair climbing
階段を上る車いす: stair-climbing wheelchair
駅の階段を上る: climb up the stairs in the station
今までずっと: all up until now