- men remaining single in their thirties
30代で独身の男性たち: men remaining single in their thirties
30代で独身の女性: women remaining single in their thirties
30代で独身の女性たち: women remaining single in their thirties
独身の男性: 1. bachelor 2. single man
独身の男: bachelor
30代前半の男性: man in his early thirties
30代後半の男性: man in his late thirties
30代で: in one's 30s [thirties]〔年齢が〕
30-40代向けの男性化粧品: cosmetics for men in their 30s and 40s
独身の: 【形】 1. celibate 2. chaste 3. lone 4. single 5. single-o〈米俗〉 6. sole 7. spinsterish 8. unattached 9. unmarried 10. wifeless
_歳で独身だ: be years of age and not married
30年代で: in the 30s [thirties]
独身の方々: single folks
独身の誓い: vow of celibacy
独身男性: 1. single man 2. unmarried man