- We celebrated our 50th anniversary.
彼はこの団体の100周年を共に祝った。: He joined in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the organization.
支配_周年を祝う: mark the __th anniversary of its takeover of〔~の〕
結婚_周年を祝う: celebrate __th wedding anniversary
~の1周年を祝う: commemorate first anniversary of
バンド結成_周年を祝う: celebrate __ years as a band
会社の創立_周年を祝して: in celebration of the company's __ year since its establishment〔_には序数が入る〕
俳優デビュー_周年を祝う: celebrate __ years as an actor
結婚50周年の記念日を祝う: celebrate one's golden wedding anniversary
50周年: semicentennial
私たちの市は、来年100周年を祝うことになる: Our city will celebrate its centennial next year.
結婚_周年を祝う記念パーティー: reception celebrating someone's __th wedding anniversary〔人の〕
全国民が女王の記念祭を祝った: The whole nation joined in the celebration of the queen's jubilee.
新年を祝う: 1. celebrate the New Year 2. mark the new year
abc社創立50周年の本年を迎え、お祝いを申し上げます: Congratulations on this year being ABC Co.'s 50th anniversary.
誕生日を祝って: 1. for the observance of someone's birthday 2. in celebration of someone's birthday〔人の〕