50番台: fifties / 50s
20番台に: in the 20s [twenties]
30番台に: in the 30s [thirties]
40番台に: in the 40s [forties]
60番台に: in the 60s [sixties]
70番台に: in the 70s [seventies]
80番台に: in the 80s [eighties]
90番台に: in the 90s [nineties]
50台に: in the 50s [fifties]
50番台で: in the 50s [fifties]
50度台に: in the 50s [fifties]
50の大台に乗る: reach [hit, turn] the big five-O
番台: 番台 ばんだい a watch stand a watcher's seat
50: L〔ローマ数字。◆ 【参考】 Roman numeral〕 50% five out of ten
50%: 50% 五分 ごぶ