- five out of ten
L〔ローマ数字。◆【参考】Roman numeral〕
50% 意味
もっと例文: 次へ>- however , the annual interest rate of ku-suiko was soon raised to 50% again .
しかしほどなくして公出挙の利子率は50%へ戻された。 - then , they made peasants pay back the loaned seeds with interest at 50% in autumn .
秋になると50%の利息をつけて返済させるようになった。 - borrowing the honto through ku-suiko at 30% interest a year , they lent it at 50% , which brought them in 20% a year .
彼らは年利30%で公出挙の本稲を借り受け、年利50%で貸し付けることにより20%の利息を得ることとなった。 - it is approximately 80% to 90% for shodan , 60% to 70% for nidan , 40% to 50% for sandan , 30% to 45% for yodan and 20% to 30% for godan .
初段は約80~90%、二段は約60~70%、三段は約40~50%、四段は約30~45%、五段は約20~30%である。 - in the suiko dealing with rice and millet , with setting the due date one year later , the creditor was allowed to charge a maximum of 100% annual interest in shi-suiko , and 50% annual interest at the maximum for ku-suiko .