40の大台に乗る: reach [hit, turn] the big four-O 50の大台に乗る: reach [hit, turn] the big five-O 60の大台に乗る: reach [hit, turn] the big six-O 70の大台に乗る: reach [hit, turn] the big seven-O 90の大台に乗る: reach [hit, turn] the big nine-O 来月、60歳の大台に乗る。: I'm going to be reaching the big six-oh next month. _年ぶりに100万台の大台に乗る: reach a million units for the first time in the past __ years 80の大台: big eight-O 今季の通算安打数を_の大台に乗せる: notch one's __th hit of the season 御者台に乗る: mount the box 踏み台に乗る: 踏み台に乗る ふみだいにのる to step on a footstool 40歳の大台に達する: hit the big four-oh _%と_%台に乗る: jump into the __% range with a figure of __% _%を得て_%台に乗る: jump into the __% range with a figure of __% 80台に: in the 80s [eighties]