80代の祖父: octogenarian grandparent
私の祖母は80歳だ: My grandmother is 80 years old.
母方の祖母: 1. grandmother on the mother's side 2. one's maternal grandmother
父方の祖母: 1. grandmother on the father's side 2. one's paternal grandmother
80代の: 【形】 octogenarian
ロシア革命の祖母: Grandmother of the Russian Revolution
80代の人: octogenarian
80(歳)代の: 【形】 eightysomething
80代の初めで: in one's early 80s [eighties]〔年齢が〕
80代の初めに: in one's early 80s [eighties]〔年齢が〕
80代の前半で: in one's early 80s [eighties]〔年齢が〕
80代の前半に: in one's early 80s [eighties]〔年齢が〕
祖母: 祖母 そぼ grandmother
家に寝たきりの祖母がいる: have a bedridden grandmother living in one's home
彼の祖母は一日中、揺りいすに座っていた: His grandmother sat in her rocker all day long.