a bit much 意味

発音を聞く:   a bit muchの例文
  • a bit much
    (1) 値段が高すぎる.
    (2) 〈物?事が〉(耐えられないほど)あんまりな,ひどすぎる.
    (}a bìt múch ?mstéep?C stíff?C((?僉?p?a??))stróng?C thíck?n


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. it's a bit much to get my head around , to be frank .
    いろいろあって 頭がいっぱいだ
  2. five is a bit much . probably four is rational .
    5年は長すぎるかも 4年位でいいでしょう
  3. it's a bit much for one night , don't you think ?
    1夜では手に負えないと 思わないか?
  4. kagura , isn't that pushing it a bit much ?
    神楽 お前入れてやれ。 お前も でけぇだろ。
  5. it's just a game , but , the degree is a bit much .
    遊びだろうけど ちょっと 度を越してるよ。


        bit much:    《a ~》過度の、ひど過ぎる、あんまりな、やり過ぎる、値段が高過ぎる
        bit too much:    《a ~》ちょっとあれだ(過大{かだい}な要求{ようきゅう}だ)考え物だ This is urgent, but asking him to cancel plans with his friends is a (little) bit too much. いくら緊急といっても、彼に友達との約束をキャンセルするよう頼むのもちょっとあれだし。
        little bit too much:    《a ~》ちょっとあれだ(過大{かだい}な要求{ようきゅう}だ)考え物だ This is urgent, but asking him to cancel plans with his friends is a (little) bit too much. いくら緊急といっても、彼に友達との約束をキャンセルするよう頼むのもちょっとあれだし。
        (not) a bit:    (not) a bit 分厘 ぶんりん
        a bit:    a bit 一毫 いちごう ちっと ちと 一分一厘 いちぶいちりん 聊か 些か 些さか いささか
        bit:     1bit n. 小片; わずか; 《口語》 少しだけ, いささか; 《口語》 わずかな間; 《米口語》 例のこと; 〔電算〕 ビット 《情報量の基本単位》. 【動詞+】 At a party, one should add one's bit to the general entertainment. パーティーに出席したらみんなで楽しむようにすべきだ 《楽しい場にするためにひと
        bit of:    《a ~》少しの~、ちょっとの、少量の~、1個の、一片の~ Let's have a bit of quiet(, please). どうぞお静かに。 If there had been even a bit of good to come out of this deal, we would have tried to improve the relationship more seriou
        bit of a:    《a ~》ちょっとした~、取るに足りない~ Brian can be a bit of a tyrant at times. ブライアンは、ちょっとした暴君のようになることがある。 I'm in a bit of a hurry. He is a bit of a lad. I have a bit of a cold. I have a bit of a problem. I got a b
        bit of this and that:    《a ~》あれこれ、いろいろ
        bit with:    《be ~》~に夢中{むちゅう}である[取り付かれる]
        for a bit:    ちょっとの間
        in a bit:    すぐに
        no bit:    ゼロビット◆【同】0 bit
        not a bit:    not a bit 何共 何とも なんとも
        not a bit of it:    とんでもない、どう致しまして


  1. "a bit at a time" 意味
  2. "a bit more" 意味
  3. "a bit more choke and ya woulda started!" 意味
  4. "a bit more choke and you would have started!" 意味
  5. "a bit more social experience will bring him out. don't worry" 意味
  6. "a bit myopic, he squinted hard at her from across the room, trying to make out her features" 意味
  7. "a bit of a …?" 意味
  8. "a bit of advice 1" 意味
  9. "a bit of aid" 意味
  10. "a bit more choke and you would have started!" 意味
  11. "a bit more social experience will bring him out. don't worry" 意味
  12. "a bit myopic, he squinted hard at her from across the room, trying to make out her features" 意味
  13. "a bit of a …?" 意味

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