a defense 意味

  • a defense


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. chop suey was created as a defense mechanism .
  2. no , you can't . not when you're being a defense lawyer .
    無理よ 容疑者の弁護士ならね
  3. level four , attack power of 1600 and a defense power of 0 .
  4. culture should not be a defense for child abuse .
    文化は児童虐待の 言い訳になってはなりません
  5. when red demon's attacks a defense position monster
    守備表示の一角獣の使い魔が 攻撃されたとき


        defense:     defense, 《英》 defence n. 防御, 防備, 防衛, ディフェンス, 保護; 弁護; 防衛施設, 要塞. 【動詞+】 We will not abandon our defense of the city. 私たちはその都市の防御を放棄しないつもりだ They abandoned their defense of these policies. こ
        in defense of:    (人)を守る[弁護する]ために
        defense only defense:    
        defense-only defense:    専守防衛{せんしゅ ぼうえい}
        a war of defense:    a war of defense 守戦 しゅせん
        active defense:    active defense アクチブディフェンス
        adaptive defense:    適応的防衛{てきおう てき ぼうえい}
        aerial defense:    空中防御{くうちゅう ぼうぎょ}、防空{ぼうくう}
        affirmative defense:    積極的抗弁{せっきょくてき こうべん}
        aggressive defense:    攻撃的{こうげきてき}な防御{ぼうぎょ}[守備{しゅび}?ディフェンス]
        air defense:    air defense 防空 ぼうくう
        airtight defense:    水も漏らさぬ防備{ぼうび}
        alternative defense:    代替防衛{だいたい ぼうえい}
        antiairborne defense:    対空挺防御{たい くうてい ぼうぎょ}
        antiaircraft defense:    対空防御{たいくう ぼうぎょ}


  1. "a defective mental state" 意味
  2. "a defective sense of right and wrong" 意味
  3. "a defective thermostat blocked circulation of the coolant" 意味
  4. "a defective verb (can, may" 意味
  5. "a defendant may not testify in such circumstances" 意味
  6. "a defense appropriation cut of 10 percent" 意味
  7. "a defense attach" 意味
  8. "a defense attorney" 意味
  9. "a defense bill" 意味
  10. "a defective verb (can, may" 意味
  11. "a defendant may not testify in such circumstances" 意味
  12. "a defense appropriation cut of 10 percent" 意味
  13. "a defense attach" 意味

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