a dispute 意味

  • a dispute


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. i'm in a dispute with a theologist about galileo .
    今 ガリレオについて神学者と論争中でね
  2. a street gang ? because of a comrade's having a dispute
    暴走族? 暴走族同士の抗争で
  3. someone went outside the ring to settle a dispute .
  4. after this , a dispute between saigyo and in begins .


        dispute:     1dispute n. 議論; 争議, 紛争, けんか; 異論, 異議. 【動詞+】 They were able to accommodate their dispute. 紛争を和解させることができた adjust a dispute between the two parties at variance 反目する両者間の紛争を調停する adjust
        dispute on:    ~について論争{ろんそう}する
        dispute with:    ~との論争{ろんそう}
        in dispute:    論争中{ろんそう ちゅう}の、係争中{けいそう ちゅう}の、未解決{みかいけつ}で Ownership of the islands is in [under] dispute. その島々の所有権は係争中である。
        in dispute with:    ~と論争中で、~と係争中で、~が未解決で
        in the dispute with:    (人)との論争{ろんそう}で
        to dispute:    to dispute 揉める もめる 言い争う いいあらそう 争う あらそう 諍う いさかう
        academic dispute:    学問上の論争{ろんそう}
        act of dispute:    争議行為{そうぎ こうい}
        address the dispute:    争いに対処{たいしょ}する
        amount in dispute:    係争額{けいそう がく}
        amount of dispute:    係争額{けいそう がく}
        arbitrate in a dispute:    争議の仲裁に立つ
        arbitrate the dispute:    争議{そうぎ}を仲裁{ちゅうさい}に付する
        arbitration of a dispute:    紛争{ふんそう}の調停{ちょうてい}


  1. "a disposition toward self-indulgence" 意味
  2. "a disproportionate amount" 意味
  3. "a disproportionately middle-class electorate" 意味
  4. "a disputable interpretation" 意味
  5. "a disputable point" 意味
  6. "a dispute among club members" 意味
  7. "a dispute between two persons 2" 意味
  8. "a dispute concerning irrigation rights" 意味
  9. "a dispute on a subject" 意味
  10. "a disputable interpretation" 意味
  11. "a disputable point" 意味
  12. "a dispute among club members" 意味
  13. "a dispute between two persons 2" 意味

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