a doctor of philosophy 意味

  • a Dóctor of Philósophy
    ?PhD .


        doctor of philosophy:    博士号、博士、哲学博士◆【略】Ph.D.; D.Ph; PhD
        philosophy:     philosophy n. 哲学; 哲理, 原理; 人生哲学, 人生観; 冷静さ, 悟り. 【動詞+】 articulate one's philosophy of non-violence 自分の非暴力の哲学をはっきりと述べる build a philosophy ある哲学を構築する carry one's philosophy into action
        with philosophy:    冷静に
        doctor:     1doctor n. 医者; 博士, 学者; 《口語》 修繕屋. 【動詞+】 call (in) a doctor 医者を呼ぶ I'd like to change doctors. 医者を替えたい consult a doctor 医者にかかる Go and fetch a doctor. 医者を呼んでこい get a doc
        doctor no:    {著作} : 007ドクター?ノオ◆英1958《著》イアン?フレミング(Ian Fleming)
        (in philosophy) mechanism:    (in philosophy) mechanism 機械論 きかいろん
        adopt the philosophy of:    ~の考え方を採用{さいよう}する[取り入れる]、~の思想{しそう}を取り入れる
        alexandrian philosophy:    アレクサンドリア哲学{てつがく}
        analytic philosophy:    分析哲学{ぶんせき てつがく}
        ancient philosophy:    古代哲学{こだい てつがく}
        atomic philosophy:    原子論{げんしろん}
        bachelor of philosophy:    哲学士(号)◆【略】B.Ph.
        bandwagon philosophy:     bandwagon philósophy (独自の考えがなく旗色のよい方になびく)日和見的人生観.
        based on this philosophy:    この考え方に基づき、こうしたコンセプトの基に
        basic philosophy:    基本理念{きほんりねん}、基本哲学{きほん てつがく}、基本的{きほんてき}な考え


  1. "a doctor in the making" 意味
  2. "a doctor must show sensitivity and patience" 意味
  3. "a doctor of divinity" 意味
  4. "a doctor of letters" 意味
  5. "a doctor of literature" 意味
  6. "a doctor should protect the confidentiality of his patients' cases" 意味
  7. "a doctor was called in" 意味
  8. "a doctor with obstetric experience" 意味
  9. "a doctor's bill" 意味
  10. "a doctor of letters" 意味
  11. "a doctor of literature" 意味
  12. "a doctor should protect the confidentiality of his patients' cases" 意味
  13. "a doctor was called in" 意味

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