a draw (in competition) 意味

  • a draw (in competition)


        as competition with:    ~に対抗{たいこう}して
        as if in competition:    張り合うように
        competition:    competition n. (1) 競争; 競争相手; 競争力. 【動詞+】 They carried on a spirited competition for the monthly sales record. 月間売り上げ記録を激しく競った We must do nothing that might curb market competition. 市場競争を
        in a competition:    《ゴルフ》コンペで
        in competition with:    ~と競争して
        no competition:    勝負にならない
        draw:     1draw n. 引くこと; 人を引きつけるもの, 呼び物, 人気者; 引き分け; 弓をいっぱいに引く力; くじ引き. 【動詞+】 have a draw on one's pipe パイプをひと口吸う hold a draw くじ引きをする make the draw for the first round of the championship 選
        draw a will:    遺言書を作成する
        draw for:    くじを引いて決める
        draw in:    {句動-1} : 吸い込む、誘引{ゆういん}する -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : (人を)引き込む、(観客{かんきゃく}などを)集める If you want to draw in customers, have a sale. もしお客を集めたい
        draw into:    ~に引き込む、駆り立てる Alice was drawn into the group by her love of the mysterious. アリスは神秘的なことに夢中になるあまり、その集団に引き込まれた。
        draw on:    {句動-1} : 頼る I need to draw on your knowledge. あなたの知識に頼る必要がある。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : 利用{りよう}する -----------------------------------
        draw to:    ~になびく
        draw with:    ~と引き分けになる
        draw!:    {映画} : ザ?グレート?ファイター◆米1984


  1. "a drastic reformation of the present examination system" 意味
  2. "a drastic reversal in the roles of men and women" 意味
  3. "a drastic revision" 意味
  4. "a drastic scheme" 意味
  5. "a draught of ice cold beer" 意味
  6. "a draw curtain" 意味
  7. "a drawback of the agreement is that we have no recourse in the case of their failure to observe its articles" 意味
  8. "a drawback to success" 意味
  9. "a drawer filled with papers" 意味
  10. "a drastic scheme" 意味
  11. "a draught of ice cold beer" 意味
  12. "a draw curtain" 意味
  13. "a drawback of the agreement is that we have no recourse in the case of their failure to observe its articles" 意味

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