a fair number 意味

  • a fair number


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. i've taken out a fair number of ghouls
    トーカちゃん 体調崩しちゃったんですって
  2. until you include a fair number of women
    参加者としても 意思決定者としても
  3. um , andand ii still have a fair number of questions regarding his condition .
    それから彼の容態について 知りたいことがいろいろあって・・・
  4. however , shrines specified in beppyo are rather large-scale shrines having a main building , many precincts , and a fair number of shinto priests , etc ., and generally are considered to be a kind of grading .
  5. ogai produced a fair number of works in which main character was female , and some of these had the heroine ' s name as a title , such as the plays " yasui fujin " (the wife of yasui ), " shizuka " and " hanako ," plus the translated play " nora " (original title " a doll ' s house " by ibsen ).


        create a fair number of chances:    かなりのチャンスを作る
        (a) fair:    (a) fair 品評会 ひんぴょうかい
        fair:     1fair n. 市(いち), 定期市; 《英》 (祭日の)縁日; 博覧会, 見本市; 共進会. 【動詞+】 hold a fair 市を開く A Christmas fair is held in this square every December. 毎年 12 月にこの広場でクリスマス市が立つ organize a book fair ブックフェ
        fair on:    《be ~》(人)にふさわしい
        for fair:    〈米俗〉完全{かんぜん}に、すっかり、十分{じゅうぶん}に I got drunk for fair last night. 昨日の夜はすっかり酔っぱらった。
        no fair:     nó fáir 規則に反すること,ルール違反.
        not fair on:    《be ~》(人)に対して公正{こうせい}を欠いている
        to be fair:    とは言うものの
        fair's fair:     Fáir's fáir. ((略式))(お互いに)公正にしよう.
        a number:     A number [éi n?mb?(r) w?n] ((略式))?=A one, A1 (2).
        a number of:     a númber of ?3 .
        by number:    番号で、機械的に、型どおりに
        in number:    {1} : 数えてみると、数の上では -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 総計{そうけい}で、合計{ごうけい}で、全部{ぜんぶ}で
        number:     1number n. 数; 数字; 番号; (雑誌の)号; 曲目. 【動詞+】 ascertain the number of people present 出席者の数を確認する attract the greatest possible number of tourists to the country その国にできるだけ多数の観光客を引きつける Thi
        number of:    number of 若干 じゃっかん


  1. "a fair harvest" 意味
  2. "a fair hearing" 意味
  3. "a fair judge" 意味
  4. "a fair law" 意味
  5. "a fair marker" 意味
  6. "a fair portion of his wealth is in old paintings" 意味
  7. "a fair price" 意味
  8. "a fair promise" 意味
  9. "a fair proportion of people" 意味
  10. "a fair law" 意味
  11. "a fair marker" 意味
  12. "a fair portion of his wealth is in old paintings" 意味
  13. "a fair price" 意味

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