a few moves ahead 意味

  • 《be ~》数手先を読んでいる


        as the technological revolution moves ahead:    テクノロジー革命が進行する中
        several moves ahead:    《be ~》数手先を読んでいる
        few steps ahead:    《be a ~》2~3歩前にいる
        for a few months ahead:    今後数カ月間
        for a few years ahead:    この先数年間は
        ahead:     ahead adv. まっ先に; 前方に; まっしぐらに. 【副詞】 I am a little ahead of you at French. フランス語ではあなたより少し進んでいる There's an iceberg dead ahead. すぐ前に氷山がある Their car was directly ahead of mine. 彼らの車は
        ahead of:    ~より先[前]に、~の前方{ぜんぽう}に、~より早く、~より進んで、~より進歩{しんぽ}して、~より足先{あしさき}に、~に先んじて We were more than three days ahead of schedule. われわれは3日以上も予定より進んでいた。
        on ahead:    先に、前もって、事前に
        a few:    a few 一二 いちに 幾つか いくつか
        as few as:    わずか~
        but a few of:    ほんの数例の
        but few:    ほんの少し(の)
        few:     1few pron. 少数の人; エリート. 【形容詞 名詞+】 the chosen few 選ばれた少数の者 (cf. Matt. 22:14) the discerning few 洞察力をもった少数者 the favored few with fat pocketbooks 金に困らない少数の恵まれた者 the fortunate f
        few or no:    有るか無しかの
        for the few:    少数者のための


  1. "a few minutes after taking off, the cessna went down as a result of engine trouble" 意味
  2. "a few minutes after taking the medicine, he felt his headache begin to recede a little" 意味
  3. "a few minutes ahead of the time" 意味
  4. "a few minutes' walk brought me to the place indicated on the map" 意味
  5. "a few moments from now" 意味
  6. "a few nights ago i listened over the radio to his talk" 意味
  7. "a few of his friends were there" 意味
  8. "a few of the passengers got off" 意味
  9. "a few paper boats were swimming on the surface of the stream" 意味
  10. "a few minutes' walk brought me to the place indicated on the map" 意味
  11. "a few moments from now" 意味
  12. "a few nights ago i listened over the radio to his talk" 意味
  13. "a few of his friends were there" 意味

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