now , not every dataset is behind a foil request . 情報公開で得られないデータセットもあります
do you think this could have been cause by a foil ? ホイルのせいだと思う?
or a foil request . 実際 出所は情報公開法による請求でした
the last person in charge of an administration tends to be undervalued in all ages and countries , and it is a pity that he could not help serving as a foil for the talented nobunaga and hideyoshi . 政権の最後の責任者は古今東西問わず評価が低くなりがちであるし、さらに信長、秀吉という天才たちの引き立て役とならざるを得ない気の毒な面もあると言えよう。
in literary works including the kabuki and bunraku adaptation ' ashiya doman ouchi kagami ,' doman often appears as abe no seimei ' s rival having a magic showdown with him but he is invariably portrayed as a villain serving as a foil to seimei . 歌舞伎や文楽の演目「芦屋道満大内鑑」をはじめとした著作で、しばしば安部晴明と呪術合戦を繰り広げるライバルとして登場するが、もっぱら晴明を引き立てる悪役として描かれることが多い。