a good many 意味

発音を聞く:   a good manyの例文
  • a gòod [grèat] mány ...
    [通例肯定文で] かなり[非常に]多くの…《◆greatの方が強意的》.


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. i hate a good many things , but i suffer them all the same .
    俺は色んなものが嫌いだが どれも同じだ
  2. should be . i've been coming down here every season for a good many years .
  3. you'll have to manage without pocket handkerchiefs and a good many other things , bilbo baggins before we reach our journey's end .
    これからハンカチとは 縁の無い旅が続く 早く慣れる必要があるぞ
  4. he designated the purpose of each tree , saying , ' cedar and camphor trees , these two types of trees are good for making ships . japanese cypress trees are good for building shrines . podocarpus trees are suitable for making coffins for people in this world . let us sow a good many tree seeds .'
    已而定其當用 乃稱之曰 杉及櫲樟 此兩樹者 可以爲浮寶 檜可以爲瑞宮之材 柀可以爲顯見蒼生奥津棄戸將臥之具 夫須噉八十木種 皆能播生
  5. this school is also called ' mai-kongo ' (literally , " dancing kongo " ) because of their magnificent and elegant performance style , and they are also sometimes called ' omote-kongo ' (literally , " mask kongo " ) because this school owns a good many of masterpieces of noh costumes and masks .


        good many:    《a ~》かなり多く(の)、かなり多数(の)、相当な数(の)、たいそうな、数多くの I have been very poor for a good many years. Soon after we were married I learned he had lied to me about a good many matters.
        for a good many weeks:    何週間もの間
        for a good many years:    何年{なんねん}もの間
        good many books:    《a ~》かなりたくさんの本
        good many cobwebs:    《a ~》おびただしいクモの巣
        good many of the subsidies:    《a ~》多額{たがく}の助成金{じょせいきん}
        good many others:    《a ~》その他多くのもの
        good many people:    《a ~》かなり多数{たすう}の人々{ひとびと}
        good many times:    《a ~》かなりの回数{かいすう}
        good many years ago:    《a ~》何年{なんねん}も前に
        have many good aspects:    (主語{しゅご}には)優れた面が多い
        spend a good many hours of the day:    1日のうちかなり多くの時間{じかん}を費やす
        many more years of good health and happiness:    末永い健勝{けんしょう}と多幸{たこう}
        as many:    同じ数だけの The two minutes were to me as many hours. その2分間は、私には2時間にも思えた。
        as many as:    ~するだけの数のもの、~だけ(全部)、~と同数のもの、~ほど(も)、~もの数の


  1. "a good man for the job" 意味
  2. "a good man of business" 意味
  3. "a good man with a rough exterior" 意味
  4. "a good man with bad judgment" 意味
  5. "a good manager must be able to recognize ability when he sees it" 意味
  6. "a good many of the degrees were conferred in the absence of the recipients" 意味
  7. "a good many of the visitors wore black" 意味
  8. "a good many others" 意味
  9. "a good many students live with their families" 意味
  10. "a good man with bad judgment" 意味
  11. "a good manager must be able to recognize ability when he sees it" 意味
  12. "a good many of the degrees were conferred in the absence of the recipients" 意味
  13. "a good many of the visitors wore black" 意味

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