a great authority 意味

  • a great authority


  1. as for his research achievements after that , he gave the world takahashi improved fish-liver oil , ' remijin ' a medicine for pneumonia , ' fagol ' a medicine for pulmonary tuberculosis and ' pangital ' a cardiotonic and was a great authority on japanese pharmacognosy .
  2. his area of painting was wide , covering sansui-ga (painting of mountains and rivers ), kacho-ga (painting of flowers and birds ), portraits , and butsu-ga (painting of buddha ), and additionally , he established his own painting style called hasshu kengaku (syncretic study of all eight schools of buddhist learning ) and then he became a great authority of kanto nanga (a school of painting originating in china ).
    その画域は山水画、花鳥画、人物画、仏画にまで及び画様の幅も広く「八宗兼学」とまでいわれる独自の画風を確立し、後に 関東南画壇の泰斗となった。


        great authority:    強大{きょうだい}な権力{けんりょく}
        dictionary of great authority:    非常に権威のある辞書
        great authority on that subject:    その道の達人
        man of great authority:    
        person of great authority:    非常{ひじょう}な威信{いしん}を持っている人
        (in) authority:    (in) authority 上 うえ
        authority:    authority n. (1) 権威, 権力; 威信, 重み, 影響力, にらみ; 権限, 職権; 許可, 認可. 【動詞+】 abuse (one's) authority 職権を濫用する She abused the authority of her office. 自分の地位に伴う職権を濫用した accept sb's authority 人の権
        authority (of):    authority (of) 準拠 じゅんきょ
        authority on:    ~に詳しい人、~に関する拠り所
        by authority:    公許の
        by authority of:    《by (the) authority of》~の許可[認可]を得て、~の権限[権威]で
        by the authority of:     by the authórity of O …の権威によって,…の許可を得て.
        in authority:    《be ~》権力{けんりょく}を持っている
        of authority:    権威のある
        on the authority of:    ~の許可を得て、~の権限で、~を拠り所{よりどころ}として


  1. "a great adventure" 意味
  2. "a great amount of soot blocked the chimney" 意味
  3. "a great architect" 意味
  4. "a great army" 意味
  5. "a great attraction" 意味
  6. "a great authority on epitaphs and sepulchral lore" 意味
  7. "a great awe fell upon me" 意味
  8. "a great baronial hall" 意味
  9. "a great battle has taken place" 意味
  10. "a great army" 意味
  11. "a great attraction" 意味
  12. "a great authority on epitaphs and sepulchral lore" 意味
  13. "a great awe fell upon me" 意味

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