among hogi (gikan ) generally given a lower court rank in every department , that for hogi in onmyoryo , albeit on the low side , was set up higher compared to their counterparts belonging to the other departments . 一般的に各省で方技(技官)がおしなべて位階を低めに設定されていた中で、陰陽寮の方技の官位は低目とはいっても各省管轄下の方技に比較すれば高めに設定されていた。
after that , all the heads of the sono family became gon dainagon except those who died young , and the sono family became the most noble of the urin family , although the sono family was originally a lower court noble with the highest rank of gon chunagon (provisional middle councilor ). もともと園家は権中納言を極官とする下級公家だったが、これ以降の園家当主は早世した者をのぞき全員が権大納言となっており、羽林家一の名門家となった。