a mine 意味

  • a mine


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. wait till your guys know . it's a mine field .
    待て お前の仲間に伝えろ ここは地雷敷設地域だと
  2. walter , whatever you're supposed to find , it's in a mine .
  3. and it's not a mine . this would be a nuanced evocation
    鉱山ではなく 山の基本的な構造を
  4. how large is that one portion of a mine ?
    この鉱場ひとつ分の大きさは どれくらいでしょう?
  5. town , cattle , part of a mine , territory ...
    町と畜牛、鉱山、 土地、それが...


        mine:    1mine n. (1) 鉱山, 鉱坑; 豊かな資源, 宝庫. 【動詞+】 blow up a mine 鉱坑を爆破する The company closed down all mines but one. 会社は 1 か所を除いてすべての鉱山を閉鎖した He says the existing six mines are somewhat depleted
        mine as:    ~の形で採掘{さいくつ}する
        mine for:    ~を採掘{さいくつ}する
        mine of:    《a ~》~の宝庫{ほうこ}、豊富{ほうふ}な~
        (gold) mine:    (gold) mine 金山 きんざん かなやま
        (land) mine:    (land) mine 地雷火 じらいか
        (mine) level:    (mine) level 坑道 こうどう
        (sea) mine:    (sea) mine 水雷 すいらい 機雷 きらい
        a gold mine:    a gold mine 金穴 きんけつ
        a lead mine:    a lead mine 鉛鉱 えんこう
        abandon a mine:    廃山する
        abandoned mine:    abandoned mine 廃坑 はいこう 廃山 はいざん
        abandonment of mine:    廃山{はいざん}
        acid mine:    酸性鉱山{さんせい こうざん}
        acoustic mine:    音響機雷{おんきょう きらい}


  1. "a mind reader" 意味
  2. "a mind receptive of new ideas" 意味
  3. "a mind refreshed with a nap" 意味
  4. "a mind-bending drug" 意味
  5. "a mind-boggling inflation rate" 意味
  6. "a mine detector" 意味
  7. "a mine of curious information" 意味
  8. "a mine of inexhaustible richness" 意味
  9. "a mine of statistics and information" 意味
  10. "a mind-bending drug" 意味
  11. "a mind-boggling inflation rate" 意味
  12. "a mine detector" 意味
  13. "a mine of curious information" 意味

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