a new member of the family 意味

  • 赤ん坊; 家族の新しい一員 《養子 嫁など》


  1. this is what you meant by a new member of the family ?!
    かいつまみすぎだろ! なんで マダオが 家族の一員になってんの!?



  1. "a new mass of hot air hit the midwest" 意味
  2. "a new material that offers durability at low cost" 意味
  3. "a new meaning of an old word" 意味
  4. "a new medicine" 意味
  5. "a new member" 意味
  6. "a new method" 意味
  7. "a new model" 意味
  8. "a new model preview" 意味
  9. "a new month starts" 意味
  10. "a new medicine" 意味
  11. "a new member" 意味
  12. "a new method" 意味
  13. "a new model" 意味

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