a new order 意味

  • 新体制


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. it is our duty to bring a new order to this planet .
    レド この星に新たな秩序をもたらすことは我々の使命だ
  2. actually , just today we received a new order from nippon klein .
    実は ちょうど 今日 日本クラインさんから
  3. because of this new disorder that may actually lead to a new order
    混乱を経験し そこから新たな秩序を導く中で
  4. ledo , it is our duty to bring .a new order to this planet .
    レド この星に新たな秩序をもたらすことはわれわれの使命だ
  5. negligence by starting a new order



  1. "a new model preview" 意味
  2. "a new month starts" 意味
  3. "a new moon" 意味
  4. "a new note in literature" 意味
  5. "a new novel" 意味
  6. "a new organization" 意味
  7. "a new partition of the balkans" 意味
  8. "a new party constitution" 意味
  9. "a new pest has invaded california's vineyards" 意味
  10. "a new note in literature" 意味
  11. "a new novel" 意味
  12. "a new organization" 意味
  13. "a new partition of the balkans" 意味

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